As all Matrix cognoscenti know, the machines use humans to extract otherwise unavailable entropy, randomness, which is fed into fusion generators that would otherwise get stuck because of the well‐known
quantum boredomeffect.It’s superficially similar to mass media principles, and there is at least one PhD thesis that claims that machines use humans for entertainment.
Of course, one cannot expect comprehension of the above by those still stuck in geodesic mud.
― Morlock Elloi, on cypherpunks
You spell like a retarded Mongoloid who learned English from a Polak raised by wolves.
― one bad‐ass female boss in
Hard Awakening
Miks’ aikuiset tekee niin vähän kivaa, vaikka niitten ei tartte pyytää lupaa vanhemmilta?
On paskapuhetta sanonta, että asiat riitelevät, eivät ihmiset. Tosiasiassa faktat riitelevät todella harvoin—ihmiset ovat ne jotka riitelevät.
― Jari Sarasvuo
As I was watching the coverage of the Tim McVeigh execution, I couldn’t help think that it was bigger than the coverage of the moon landing in 1969.
One of Tim’s colleages called it
Bloodstock.― David Honig answering to Eric Cordian on cypherpunks
A guy in my office served as a reserve medic in Saudi during our War to Defend Cheap Gasoline.
One night, they had to make up papers to get a female Marine onto a medical transport out of the country on zero notice—she had—in public—worn her uniform with the sleeves rolled up in the proper military manner. A religious cop hit her with his cane.
Hitting a US Marine with a stick is not smart thing to do. She took the cane and gave him drubbing. Within hours she was out of the country, on
medicalgrounds. Her health was at stake—the Saudis wanted to have her executed.For all that we (with justification) worry about the USG’s penchant for killing it’s citizens in cold blood, the governments of Saudi and Singapore kill their citizens at 10× the rate of the US.
― Peter Trei answering to some Saudi‐bashing on cypherpunks
Besides, if the police and narcs take to sneaking into folks’ homes at night, without a warrant, then obviously their hives deserve to be mcveighed. Even if they’ve installed some rugrats as human shields. Eggs breaking and all that.
Nothing surprises me anymore. They all need killing. Tens of thousands of them at the very least.
― Tim May doing his usual thing on cypherpunks
Seriously, Tim, are you just going to continue to fart around here and in Usenet for another 10 years, or are you going to do something to propagate your views?
I’d suggest a video game.
There would be white trash (like you), Jews, Blacks… Some specific personalities: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton… For good measure, you should include yourself.
The dialog should be variable, choices of politically correct, anti‐ semitic, anti‐black (
Welfare mutants―TimMay). Anti‐Democratic, anti‐Republican. Plugins for other countries.Choice of paintball or bloody death mode.
You get the idea.
Don’t you want to profit from a game that allows you to shoot down Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton AND cause a free speech furor (heil!).
Your current attempts (
<they> need killing) are pathetic.― George@Orwellian.Org bashing Tim May on cypherpunks
By the way, I consider Teller to be one of the most ethically forthright public figures I’ve encountered. He has argued against classification of secrets except in rare circumstances (troop movements, submarine positions, nuclear bomb designs). I heard him make this point eloquently at a lecture I attended in 1972 or so. It always stuck with me.
You might find Sam Cohen’s
Shame(published by, ie. self‐published) interesting. After he discusses his mother’s infliction of enemas on himself, he gets into the ethics of neutron weapons, which he invented and thinks is a pretty cool solution for lots of geopolitical problems.He’s part of the jewish nuclear conspiracy, but not the hungarian jewish nuclear conspiracy like Teller, von Neumann, etc.
― David Honig pointing Tim May to interesting reading materials
Computer games don’t affect kids. I mean if Pacman affected us as kids, we’d all run around in darkened rooms munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
― An anonymous writer. On techno, of course.
chmod a+x /bin/laden; exec /bin/laden
― Syberghost’s signature, on Slashdot
― Tim May on cypherpunks
Netissä tappeleminen on kuin kilpailisi vammaisten olympialaisissa; voit toki voittaa mutta olet yhä vammainen.
― Kumiankka, Puolitotuudella
The two things that matter the most to me: emotional resonance and rocket launchers.
Party of Five, a brilliant show, and often made me cry uncontrollably, suffered ultimately from a lack of rocket launchers.― Joss Whedon, Audio Commentary for
We are all born charming, fresh and spontaneous and must be civilized before we are fit to participate in society.
― Judith Martin
Lihas supistuu. Minä olen kone.― Tero Ylä‐Anttila
Ydinvoima on vaarallista. Kun se räjähtää, kaikki kuolee paitsi teräsmies, joka voi paeta lentämällä. Ydinvoimasta ei ole myöskään mitään hyötyä paitsi pahoille ihmisille.
― Maria Sairanen, 4 vuotta (Helsingin Sanomat 30.9.2002)
We be nice to you, if you be nice to us.
― Gollum, in Lord of the Rings
Mr & Mrs Smith: The No Child Should Fear Act of 2015 requires that your proposed son have the
bullyinggene deleted if he is to attend publicly funded schools. This is similar to the old requirements for vaccination—we don’t want your son to endanger other children, do we?― Peter Trei, on eugenics
This page has gone buh‐bye. I got bored with it, and I don’t bother with things that bore me. I would apologize, but I’m not sorry. So you can all kindly fuck off now.
― My one‐time immediate successor in the Cynical Atheists webring
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
― An anonymous signature
A woman serving in a charity shop tried to get me to agree with her that
foreignersspeaking non‐European languages sounded as though they were just making stupid noises.I wasn’t too sure how to respond to this, so went for the
I’m on your side, but profoundly disagree with what you are sayingapproachShe then went on (after I’d tried to explain that a lot of jazz seemed to be meaningless to me because I had never tried to listen to it) to tell me that everyone in the world enjoys listening to
The Three Tenners.I had to explain that this was not in fact true, and that though I could agree with her that Garage could be a miserable experience, I would start to chew the carpet if I was made to listen to
The Three Tennersfor an extended duration!
Basically I like the industrial stuffI said…
Ah, but you are youngsaid she.
44says I.But she had trouble believing this too…and insisted that I was 27.
― RideFlame, proving on TCS that not all discussions are worth it
I mean, I can’t be the only one who’s parents made them quiver with terror at the mere mention of the fluffy toothed ones, can I?
For those of you who had parents who cared and therefore don’t understand, it goes like this: the parent describes the bunny as
a hairy creature, with big teeth and big ears, that lives in a hole in the ground. However, they don’t also mention that the bunny is a) small b) cute c) hasn’t got fangs and d) only eats grass.So basically I thought bunnies were a sort of giant, hole‐dwelling troll. :( My parents never bothered retract their clumsy explanation of what a bunny is when they were having so much fun torturing me.
Be quiet, or I’ll let the bunny rabbits have you!would keep me quiet for hours.Apparently, it all came to end on my third day at school, when my primary school teacher asked me whether I wanted to help feed the bunny she had brought in. Though I don’t remember it myself, they say it took about 45 minutes to coax me out from under the headmaster’s car…
― ChewCandlewax, on bunnies, lying parents and consequences
Juutalaismusiikki on mielestäni nautittavinta silloin, kun se on sopeutettu postmoderniin länsimaiseen viihdemusiikkikontekstiin eli raiskattu globaalin kapitalismin näkymättömällä vehkeellä.
― Mikko Ellilä kulttuurin ja talouden siteistä
he + she + it = shit
her + his + its = shit’s
― Christopher Hinson on genderless pronouns, on intp
All science is either physics or stamp‐collecting.
― Ernest Rutherford
Your breasts just started to develop?
From a geological point of view, yes.
― Celia Roing, slapping back Gracie Groove on intp
Koirat ovat helpompia kuin lapset. Kun ne tulevat raskaaksi, jälkikasvun voi myydä.
― Toni Heinonen, paraphrased from an online comment