‐philosophy ‐methodological individualism ‐self‐determination ‐rationality ‐the immorality of coercion ‐initiation of violence theory ‐rights ‐to property ‐to free speech ‐to free practice of religion ‐to binding contracts ‐dividing lines ‐natural rights vs. utilitarianism vs. contractarism ‐there are different sets of rights ‐there are different utility functions ‐there are different principles of applying contract theory ‐there are hybrids of the above‐mentioned principles ‐minarchism vs. anarcho‐capitalism ‐do we permit a limited number of governmental monopolies or not? ‐can the market be extended to deal with preconditions to the market itself? ‐position on IP ‐do we apply contracts, freedom of speech or property rights? ‐the limits of force ‐is self‐defense justified? (if not, we get strict pacifism) ‐is retribution for deterrence justified? (if not, we get self‐defence only) ‐is initiation of force for preventative purposes justified? (if not, we get ultraminimalism) ‐is initiation of force to collect obligations justified? ‐the universality of rights ‐can rights be forfeited? ‐can rights be forgone? ‐which creatures exactly do rights apply to? (biodiversity…) ‐does at least some objective minimum values exist outside of human appreciation? ‐can all rights be temporarily transferred/granted/copied to others? (i.e. protection companies, the state, etc.)