References and some further reading

[Gab01] Gabel, Robert A. and Roberts, Richard A.: Signals and Linear Systems, third edition
An easy to read, systems oriented approach to linearity and linear systems. Analog friendly.
[Opp01] Oppenheim, Alan V.; Schafer, Pierre: Digital Signal Processing, second edition
A real bible for anyone wanting to really understand DSP. Serves both as a good introduction and a comprehensive reference.
[Knu01] Knuth, Donald E.: The Art of Computer Programming
A huge encyclopædia containing just about all general purpose algorithms anyone ever invented. A must‐have for anyone doing serious programming work.
[Num01] Numerical Recipes in C, second edition
One of the signal processing freak’s must‐read works. The commitment of the authors is shown in the fact that the latest edition is available on‐line, in Adobe .pdf, free of charge and with a permission for the user to produce a single paper copy. Read it, use it and be sure to credit it when the time comes.
[Roa01] Roads, Curtis: The Computer Music Tutorial
A quite all‐encompassing reference on all aspects of computer music, digital audio and related areas of study. The emphasis is on practical applications. Easy, entertaining and comprehesive—a true bible. Lacks somewhat in implementation details, however.
[Roa02] Roads, Curtis (ed.): The Music Machine
A selection of articles from the Computer Music Journal. Discusses some interesting points, but isn’t as solid as the Computer Music Tutorial. More oriented towards technology and specific solutions. Many of the useful formulæ can be found here.