text/html;charset=utf‐8 en General thoughts on representing and coding data data,representation,file,format,encoding,code index,follow global
Ideas in data representation

This project is a loosely organized heap of thoughts of mine, related to data encoding, conceptual modelling, knowledge representation, (relational) database theory, file format design and external memory data structures. It has grown out of attempts to comprehend the abstract, unifying principles connecting such disparate fields and to try out the ideas in practice. As such, the pages contain little that is immediately useful and a lot that exists only at the level of dispositions, mindmaps and associations which may be meaningful at most at the personal level.

Specific codings

These are the experimental codings I’ve cooked up so far.

Dawn file format, version 1.1α
The documentation of the experimental .dawn file format
decoy’s RDF stuff
Some RDF stuff I’ve cooked on my spare time
General data encoding concerns

This section is about data encoding in general.

The many ways of decomposing data
An article weighing the many different ways of decomposing and ordering data for storage
Type definition basics
An attempt at a type definition methodology
Repetition, weak entities and identity
There is a connection between nested structures, weak entity sets and the need for object identity
Relational theory

This section is about data encoding within the relational model, relational advocacy and analysis of current relational theory and practice.

Array support in the relational model
On the shortcomings of array and scientific dataset support in relational databases
Common facets of data
On integrating and defaulting a number of common axes in relational models
Unusual and constructive relations
Discussion of inherently constructive and otherwise nasty relation types
What is/does a database?
Some thoughts on what databases are, what they do and why
Relational domain theory
Advocacy and analysis of domain modelling in relational database theory
Performance: parallelism and decoupling
Why parallelism, decoupling and asynchrony largely determine the performance of a database
View update, logic and inference
My thoughts on the well‐known view update problem